Factions Guide
What are factions? Factions are basically a "prestige" system where if you join a faction you restart . There is a special currency called " reputation " which you can get by joining a faction or trading ys/rc for it after you join a faction which doesn't reset your progress. There are 3 factions: -Temple of Hyperion -Crystal Consortium -Void Legions Why should you join a faction? You unlock new things like for example new missions, items, and ships. They cost reputation and normal money. Especially the items are very worth it, with the 3 "rounds" items from the 3 factions being better than the skilled 40%x2.5 item. Also if you do all the missions you get a skillpoint and 3 extra skillpoints are great to have too. How do you join a faction? You need to get to the tier where the"band"/"ring" of the faction is located. Inside the rings there are the outposts, where you can join the faction: Temple of Hyperion - Tier 710...