Factions Guide

What are factions?

Factions are basically a "prestige" system where if you join a faction you restart. There is a special currency called "reputation" which you can get by joining a faction or trading ys/rc for it after you join a faction which doesn't reset your progress. There are 3 factions:
-Temple of Hyperion
-Crystal Consortium
-Void Legions

Why should you join a faction?

You unlock new things like for example new missions, items, and ships. They cost reputation and normal money. Especially the items are very worth it, with the 3 "rounds" items from the 3 factions being better than the skilled 40%x2.5 item. Also if you do all the missions you get a skillpoint and 3 extra skillpoints are great to have too.

How do you join a faction?

You need to get to the tier where the"band"/"ring" of the faction is located. Inside the rings there are the outposts, where you can join the faction:

Temple of Hyperion - Tier 710

Crystal Consortium - Tier 1020
Void Legions - Tier 1350
(Credit to dudiobugtron for the screenshots)

Which faction should you join?

You can and you want to join all factions eventually, the thing you can decide about is the order. The order can matter a bit about how fast you will unlock all factions but is in the end not too important.

What I suggest:
If you are already above tier 1350, go for void-> hyperion ->crystal
unless you would get more than 3000 rep then join crystal to get the portals
Else go for Hyperion->crystal->void
Why? hyperion has a ship that is good early game (Follower seeker). You basically do the same thing as you did in your first playthrough (just better ;) )and reach more factions until you get them all. 

What is reset upon joining a faction?

You can expect pretty much everything to be reset. (items, ships, captains, tiers, missions, achievements, custom ships, etc.)
The only things that stay, are: 
Of course the unlocked faction. You keep access to the shop and missions. The bought ships and items are actually half reset. You need to pay the money for them again but not the reputation.
Medals and alliance members also stay when you reset.

How do you get reputation?

You get reputation by doing a faction reset or by trading in yellow squares and red cross for them on a 1:9 for yellow squares and a 1:10 for red cross.

Made by Skill_Issue


  1. What to do if i didnt get 269 reputation? I got 182

    1. Then you can join and not get the ship. Which is no big problem. Or get 780 ys which I don't suggest

    2. Damn, I did not realize this before joining. Could you please give a bit longer explanation to make it more understandable? For example: gather more yellow squares so that you get at least 269 rep when joining the faction, otherwise you will not get the first faction ship and need to start grinding more. I did not know it was so hard getting reputation at the start

    3. you get about 100 reputation by other things and the rest by yellow squares. 9 yellow squares for 1 reputation. so you need more than a thousand ys for the ship which will take maybe half an hour of grinding. that's not much but more than what the ship will speed up the progress. so if you have gathered ys anyway you can get the rest quite fast. other wise you don't get it and just skip the ship

  2. Where could I find detailed explanation on the faction items, specifically the portals

    1. not sure what you could explain on portals, they are just portals lol.

      but here it is for the others https://germapurapps.com/?page_id=575

  3. I finished a faction and got the skill point medal, but after joining a new faction, I don't have the extra skill point on the next playthrough (unlike other medals that are permanent)

    1. You have to atleast get to tier 50 for the first skillpoint then you should have them

    2. I got to tier 50 and only had the base skill unlocked as my previous playthrough, I was expecting to have an additional skillpoint at that time which I didn't have.

      However, it appears the game has just been updated and I have gained an additional skillpoint :hmmm:

  4. Will I have access to a previous faction's (eg hyperion) missions, ships, modules if I don't clear/buy them on that run and join the next faction (eg crystal)? or are they permanently unlocked once I joined once?

  5. I don't have enough reputation to buy the items I want (now that I know what they do) from Hyperion, and I don't seem to be able to join Hyperion again to get the reputation. I planned ahead for Crystal, but I still want more. Is there a point where I can go back and earn more reputation for those factions, or is Void the only reputation I can earn now? (Yes, there are missions. I need more reputation than they provide.)

    1. as said in this guide you can always trade yellow squares and Red Crosses for reputation in the faction shop

    2. Will my captain progress reset? And will it ever. Because i thought of grinding lvls for all captains while i easily can

  6. Will my captain progress reset? And will it ever. Because i thought of grinding lvls for all captains while i easily can

    1. Yes they will reset. I had to find out the hard way😐

    2. Lost my 2500 Jupiter to this BS lol be careful boys.

    3. aelysium?
      the items you get are definitely better than rank 2500 captain.
      also getting rank 2500 is a lot easier now

    4. Yo btw aside from the early game perks the faction ships has do they have any others since they are faction ships? Surely there will be benefits?

    5. And also should I go to void or crystal first?

    6. if you joined hyperion already it does not really matter, do what you want

    7. the factionships are a bit useful for tournaments

  7. What ships reset? Just the main ones? Or also even the ones I buy with RL$ disappear?
    Also the currency I buy will disappear also?

    1. you keep the premium ships
      every currency will reset except faction reputation

  8. If I have max money, then will I get 5 quintillion dollars when I reset


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