Tier guide

Tiers Guide

What are tiers?
The world map are unlocked at Mission 11.
The world map is a net of worlds, the tier is the distance from the center (0/0) if you finish a map/tier/world(whatever you want to call it) you can play the connected ones to progress further and further.
With doing tiers you also unlock new things like the waves mode at tier 400, legendaries at 500, 600 and 700 and probably most important a skill point every 50 tiers. The factions can also be unlocked with outposts located on the world map

Best way to progress in early tiers:

To help you at the start you can skip the tiers depending on the missions you did, up to tier 300 at mission 99.
Note that this can only be done till tier 300 

Spoilers!! Here will be some ship builds

To get to tier 300 you should do all 100 missions and then use the skip on the bottom left of the world map.

add a "trident" item if the build doesent have it

Look into the skilltree Guide so your skilltree matches these builds. 

This guide only shows builds for transmitter if you don't have it yet put the same ideas on lower ships like endprice or cargo ship

or see Here how to grind for Transmitter 

Best Transmitter Build Tier 300
Transmitter Build for tier 300+

If you have the second +1 skill (You get at tier 350)
use this:
You should easily push to tier 650 and where you can get the 2x skills which is very good and the legendary 4x damage when lower skill

Once you have both skills for 33%x2 you use this build up to tier 1000

if you don't have enough of the x2 items keep using some of the curves
Getting legendaries is not needed. But you can get atleast one if you want to make it a bit easier also will be needed for getting to tier 1300

Once you get legendaries just follow the Legendary Guide

And i recommend using Earth for the tier pushing as his ability gives you a nice base dmg and overall dmg increase and if at High enough level also more ys

You should join the factions as soon as you unlock them (Factions Guide)

Once you joined all factions you can start playing the waves mode

(Made by Skill_Issue)


  1. Thanks, very useful.

  2. Doesnt work anymore update pls

    1. they still work very well. not optimal but good enough

  3. The Legendary guide doesn't really make sense following on from this. This guide is for the Transmitter as everyone says its now better than Archmage, does this change when Legendry's are apart of the equation?

  4. For the tier 350 build, you have 12 left and 11 right curves. If you do 13 left and 10 right curves instead, you get much better use of your projectiles. I'm currently clearing tiers ~1 second faster at tier ~450


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