How to grind...?

Here are some tips on how to farm different things in Miner Gun Builder:

How to farm:

In early game:
    Do these missions:
        Depending on your state: 17 28 34 60 93 96
    See which one is the best for you the highest is not always the best if it is too hard to clear. Use a few     aoe for easier clear.

    Get Uranus and while playing tiers passively level him. He will help gain money a bit overall. 
     Then just play tiers. If you are stuck you need to find a tier you can clear fast or use one of the                 higher missions to get money for a new ship you need 
    Also if you get his tier 4 ability compound interest you can get a lot of money very easy. by spam flying a mission like 29. The only problem is getting uranus to tier 4 takes mostly longer than taking the time to grind tiers or money. 
In Tiers:
    Clearing tiers at around tier 3000 gives you close to max money
Void mission P-R give max money too and are reachable earlier

Until you did all missions don't play tiers since you can skip up to tier 300 if you did all missions. 

Then try to have a good ship(ship builds/custom ships), and decide if clearing or finishing is faster. Early on clearing will probably be faster, think about it similar to waves. Use Jupiter for faster finishes in early game when you can easily finish the tiers. For later also use Jupiter to fly slower and with that do more damage.

Remember to use the tier skip to get skill points early until tier 300
Also, look in the skill guide

Clear yellow dot tiers fast, not the highest ones but the ones you can clear easily. For easier clear use some more aoe
Use Neptun early on the level 1 and 2 abilities are enough. You can get level 4 ones too (the level 3 abilities don't work)
Later you want all preferably 



Early game:
Rank up the captain you want to grind to the highest rank you can afford. 
Then clear Missions which are the rank x10. Good missions are 42 if at rank 4 or 5. Or missions 63 if at rank 6+, other good missions later are 86 or 96.
Mid game:
You can farm xp very well passively while grinding up tiers or grinding ys
Or farm it actively choosing a tier range that is your captain rank*10 and clearing the tiers there.
Later game:
Get your captain to atleast rank 50 then play waves to the highest wave you can get in 5-10 minutes.


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