Skilltree Guide

Miner Gun Builder Skilltree Guide


Skilltree explanation 

Skilling guide from start

Meta skilltrees


Where is the skilltree?

What are skills?

There are skills for nearly every item. The skills make the items better and some also give new abilities. But you can only have 20 skills at once.

If you want an explanation for all the skills you can read through this site Skill Tree | Miner Gun Builder Wiki | Fandom

How does the Skilltree work?

This skilltree is unlocked at tier 40 which you are if you do mission 47 because of the skipping. And you get 1 skillpoint every 50 tiers until tier 1000 where you then have 20 skillpoints. See also How to grind...? . You can get 3 more skillpoints from medals. upon clearing all missions of a faction.

At tier 50 you automatically get the skill in the middle:

From then on you can choose what skills to get, the chosen skill has to be connected to the middle in some way. To set the skill click it and then "set" on the top-middle:

You can also refund Skills for that you need to spend as many ys as you have skillpoints. But you can only refund a skill if after that all skills would still be connected to the middle:

So which skillpoints should you get?

Spoilers!! Here will follow some skilltree builds!

This is the order to get skills from the start of the game:

Tier 200 (mission 86)

Once you have the curve skills try to only use curves as multipliers.

Tier 350:

When you have the 2nd skill for the +1 damage, you want to fill all the empty spots (in other words, spots outside the path of projectiles) on the ship with it. This is because when skilled, it adds +20 damage per +1 damage item on the ship, not just on the path. And use 2-4 of them at the start of your build depending on the build and base damage.

Tier 650:

Once you have the 2x skills try to only use 2x as multipliers.

Tier 950:

Tier 1000(the end):

To prepare to play waves (if you joined all factions) you should buy legendarys and with that can remove the skill for +20

Now you have already built the wave skilltree and can start waves.

Wave skilltree:
Meta wave Skilltree

Another option(with skilled speed up):

Tier skilltree:

Best Skilltree

You also can of course try different combinations of skills yourself.

You can get 3 more skillpoints from clearing all faction missions. Here are examples of skilltrees you can build then.

Without crit skills when you have enough faction items


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